FreeGreen's Open Source is a new House Plan site that allows any architect to offer house plans for sale. We think its a great idea and to support them we've posted a house plan set that comes from a past custom design.

Our new house design called the FS House has been shown before on the blog under the guise of Suburban House Project. We have not offered the design in our own catalog because as a custom design it just did not fit in with the design themes that were present in the current family of house designs. For me this is a great opportunity. We've never wanted to force this design into the catalog just to increase the number of house plans, so Open Source is a great chance for us to offer the design. In that spirit it is priced significantly below the cost of Construction Prints from our regular catalog. There are no design prints. Documents are delivered via PDF file download, so there are no paper prints - you print them yourself. There are extensive design images posted at the Open Source catalog page to allow you to become familiar with the design. Documentation is very complete as are all our Construction Prints.
So surf over and have a look at it. Maybe its the right house for you?
UPDATE: FreeGreen has rebranded this as Better House Plans:
0751 RS House at Better House Plans
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